
Gray Paper offers affordable, expert, freelance support for attorneys and other legal professionals. Check out sample services. Legal aid service providers and attorneys working on pro bono projects take an additional 30% off. Contact us for the discount code!

Free Secure Portal

Work product delivered as part of your service order is delivered to a secure client portal (separate login from First Draft). You may use the portal to share other documents, message the Gray Paper team, and schedule additional meetings. Watch your email for an invite after you order one of these services.

Jump Start a Project ($15)

This meeting is designed to advance a project. Would you like to automate your own document templates? Have a brief you’re struggling to finish? Wondering about better data management? We’ll share a screen to work out a problem together or simply brainstorm. The meeting is for a full hour. We don’t need to use the full hour but we’ll set it aside to be sure we have all the time you need to jump to the next stage of your project.

Get an Estimate

Tell us a little about your project, upload your documents, or schedule a quick call. We’ll get back to you promptly with an estimate. If you accept our estimate, your final invoice will not exceed the maximum amount on the estimate.

Order a Project (Hourly)

Request a simple case pull, research memorandum, contract review, cite check, 50-state survey, or other project. Our standard hourly rate is $95. If you order here, we bill you at the conclusion of the project. You may also order a block of hours at a discount.

Order a Block of Hours

3 hours ($265) | 5 hours ($440) | 10 hours ($875) | 25 hours ($2200)

Order a discounted block of orders for any project. Use as needed. Hours do not expire. We track your hours and share them in the portal.

Standard Cite Check ($25/document)

Upload your own work product or the work of opposing counsel. We’ll return the full cite check report to the documents folder in your secure portal. Turn around is one business day. Download Sample

Trademark Clearance ($125/mark)

We search federal and international databases to clear a mark for use and registration. We’ll deliver your report directly to your secure portal.

First Draft for Firms

Would you like a version of First Draft unique to your firm? Gray Paper will automate your firm templates, adopt your branding, connect firm data, and add other firm documents to further streamline the process of launching a claim.